Saturday, December 30, 2006

On being thankful to live in this century

In doing family history, I've also read some other source material about the experience of living on the plains in the 1800s.

For the past 3 days, we've had clouds, snow, and almost constant wind.

Imagine living in those conditions out in the middle of the plains, no neighbors for miles, no electricity, no internet, no cable --- nothing but a little cabin, a fireplace and the sound of the wind howling around (or through) the cabin.

No wonder those women looked so dour in those pictures. How did they keep from going literally crazy in those conditions?

They obviously were made of very sturdy stuff -- I'm not sure I would measure's to our great grandmothers --- what great ladies they were!


Nancy G said...'s to our great grandmothers --- what great ladies they were!

Speaking of which, there's a neat story in the latest edition of my LYS's newsletter; check it out:

Bev said...

thanks for sharing -- that's a GREAT story!