Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Decorating complete

can't believe I was actually able to find some little lights that I'm willing to use with this.

Since it is so old (my best guess is from some time in the 1930's), I'm not willing to use any lights that develop a lot of heat.

I actually found a 15 light string of battery powered LEDs for a really reasonable price -- they work really well

(and I used some pieces of quilt batting to create some "snow drifts" to add to the look)

I really like the way this looks too --- the Nativity scene is in a new place ---

and I like it better here than where we used to put it!

so now I have just a few more projects to complete, and there is actually time in the day for me to work on some art projects too



Kay Dennison said...


Alison said...

It took a village!

--AlisonH at

Travelin'Oma said...

Your decorating is always so awesome. I think the first time I ever stumbled upon your blog, you had pictures of Christmas trees. Merry Christmas!