Sunday, July 01, 2007

Off setting messages from the mail box.....

back in the middle of June (ok, so that was only 2 weeks ago) I had gotten a standard rejection letter from a publication in response to a picture I had sent of one of my pieces of jewelry. So, I sent off another picture shortly after that. Well, yesterday I got the same standard rejection letter for the second submission {sigh} I can't seem to finish the pieces as fast as that publication can reject them....nuts!

Think I'll send pictures of my newest piece to one of the other magazines.

Meantime, in the same batch of mail (along with the junk and the cable bill) was an invitation to participate in an indoor show aimed at professional women (much more the right customer for my work!) The show takes place in St Joseph, MO, and I'm thinking I got the invite because some of the University Women saw my work there last summer when I did a show in the park. Unfortunately, the show is the same weekend as another I show I have already applied for....well, guess I have a "back up" plan for that weekend, and maybe this one would be a good idea to try for next year.

My cousin called me yesterday afternoon to let me know his mother (my dad's sister, who just lost her husband on Good Friday) is having heart valve replacement surgery on Tuesday. After the testing was complete, the conclusion was that her blood vessels are in great shape, but she has a valve that is not working correctly, so they will replace it. She is 84 years old, and I was glad to hear that she wants to have the surgery as there are (in her words) "still things I want to do"!

Anyway, could all of you add her to your prayer lists for this week? Thank you so much!


Travelin'Oma said...

Rejection letters. I read that Somerset Maughn used his as TP.

Bev said...

now that is an interesting idea...for now I'm just papering the walls....

MissKris said...

Hi, Bev! I just read your comment over at my blog on my 'choice' entry and thought I'd come by to thank you for stopping by. I actually got a MAN (!!!) brave enough to speak up on it, ha! I find it kind of funny that women around our age seem to understand what I was trying to say, those a little younger or quite a bit younger not so well. Oh well...that's the funny thing about writing, isn't it? Everyone seems to comprehend our words in different ways. I will be keeping your aunt in my prayers. My parents are both gone, but both of my husband's parents are alive and in very frail health. I had a very dear friend who lived to be 100 and she had gall bladder surgery at 98! She lived independently until she was 97 and took very good care of herself. Sadly, that's not true of a lot of people. I went to the beach with my dil and grandson this past weekend and was APPALLED at the amount of obese kids there were running around. Health care is going to go to the moon in the next generation or two, don't you think?

Kay Dennison said...

I think it was Dorothy Parker who first did that, Bev. The same lady who answered her phone: "What fresh hell is this?" I have been known to answer my phone that way myself. sigh