I've spent a good deal of time the last 2 days working on taxes.
First we organize all the little pieces of paper into piles of what they are: medical, business, contributions, sales tax, income
Then its on to the spread sheets -- I should note here that effective Jan 1, 2007, I am converting all my business stuff into QuickBooks, so there will be less of this next time, but there will still be medical
And then there is the reviewing to be sure I didn't duplicate anything
and the downloading of forms from the IRS.gov site where I can take just the pieces I need (including from the instructions) but even so, I have a hefty stack of paper to wade through
I may run screaming from the room!!! (how did I do this at work for all those years without being certifiable --- oh, yeah, now my secret is out!!)
I suppose TaxCut and TurboTax don't have versions for small business owners, do they? I don't envy you; doing our taxes is bad enough, even with said software!
well, actually there is software out there, but it only actually helps if all of your records are already in some kind of software to begin with...
it also comes to that "I never met a control issue I didn't like" thing, and this way I know every single thing that goes in
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