yesterday we made a trip to a craft show
we went with a purpose -- to find a stone cutter who has done some work for us in the past (I had a large chunk of turquoise I want him to cut for me), and to visit with friends that we knew were going to be there
I haven't done a show in almost 2 years
and while I really can not get excited about doing outdoor summer shows, the idea of an indoor show is a possibility
while we were there I talked with several fiber artists who were doing some interesting things as well as some painters
there didn't seem to be as much jewelry as there has been in the past either, which I found rather interesting -- perhaps that craze has burned itself out
so I'm now considering the idea of doing this show next year
and taking some of my small quilted pieces as well as some of my wearables (the small, "Colorado Beach Glass" pieces, etc.)
certainly that would give me the chance to get some feedback on new stuff
it would give me someplace to perhaps sell some of the "experimental" pieces that I'm thinking about doing to learn some new techniques -- and it might generate a commission or two, which would be worth while
I will continue to think about this -- especially if the items I currently have in a store show are well received
oh yeah, and I'm thinking about MOO cards too